I can get to the settings area and I see where it says I have not yet set up my home location but I cannot figure out where to add my home.
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Click, in your settings, on the check box "Update home location when I click on the map?", and then find your home location and click on it in the map. After that save changes. This doesn't work for me either
(21 Oct '10, 19:09)
Which browser do you use? (And which version thereof?)
(21 Oct '10, 21:04)
This doesn't work for me either !
(07 May '13, 12:41)
Do not work ! The map is grey !
(07 May '13, 12:41)
Google Chrome function ! Not IE !
(07 May '13, 13:04)
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None of the above works on my Android phone, 13 Aug 2013.
I've been up and down through so many OSM menus. How hard does it have to be to just set the HOME location?
@Zultan Works for me on an Android phone, 13 Aug 2013. Can you explain what buttons you are pressing, one at a time?
Which button have I pushed? All of them as far as I can tell. I've drilled down, again and again.
Nowhere have I found one that sets the current GPS location as Home.
The process that works for me on Android is exactly as described in @miller's answer:
Got it, but having to set your Home on the web-site, so it will then auto-update the phone is not intuitive. That's what I was trying to do.
Why can't Home be set directly on the phone?
It can (or at least it worked for me - see above). When you try and follow the process on your phone which part doesn't work?