The answer of course is when it is not a signpost but a tree, telegraph pole, etc. Is there a method to record the type of construction to which a sign (especially rambling route direction indicator signs) is attached to. It would be helpful if map users, who are lost, could see on the map the type of construction a sign is attached too. Signposts are far easy to see in the landscape than trees! |
Having searched the wiki, there doesn't seem to be any suggestion for such a tag though information=guidepost seems to be suitable for the signs itself. Because of that I searched taginfo for the word guidepost and there is one use of guidepost=tree and a small smattering of uses of guidepost:material , guidepost_type and guidepost:type I would suggest picking whichever one of those you think most suitable for now, and if anything gains more widespread adoption in the future they can always be updated. |