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It seems that the spammers have discovered the user diaries and are drowning out legitimate user comments.
Does openstreetmap have a plan of action to tackle this?
For an example see

asked 14 Dec '11, 21:09

jbontes's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


That's not a very useful URL as an example

(15 Dec '11, 12:25) Harry Wood

According to a comment by one of the sysadmins, there is a system to deal with spam semi-automatically. Occasionally some are missed. Only the system administrators have access to that, and currently they seem to be happy to despam the diaries themselves through some combination of tweaking this system, and zapping spam users and spam comments manually.

For the rest of us it's a bit frustrating that we see spam sitting there and can't do anything about it. The only thing it might be useful is to list links to spam users and comments on the 'Spam' wiki page

But then I think most spam gets dealt with without the sysadmins seeing that, so then the list needs re-checking and clean-up. That's an ongoing somewhat inefficient bit of maintenance work, but at least it's something everyone can help with. I think the list could prove useful for identifying spam which appears to have slipped through the net (which seems to have happened a little bit) ...but I'm not sure what the sysadmins think.

permanent link

answered 12 Jan '12, 14:44

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%


I've looked at the first 27 entries of this part of reported spam – a total of two users were deleted, the others stuff still sits there. Some of them are from February 2014. To me that doesn't look like "A lot are zapped and only some get through".

(11 Jul '14, 21:33) malenki

The "Spam" wiki page is not actually in use AFAIK.

(12 Jul '14, 15:30) SimonPoole ♦

There has already been spam filters implemented to make spam less of a problem, a good plan would be to have someone code a better spam removal system. The sysadmins are doing all the work at the moment.

permanent link

answered 15 Dec '11, 09:23

emj's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 15 Dec '11, 21:45

RM87's gravatar image


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question asked: 14 Dec '11, 21:09

question was seen: 4,446 times

last updated: 12 Jul '14, 15:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum