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Interstates are supposed to be the same as motorways, but there are a few places here and there where they aren't quite up to standards, the most famous being the West end of the Holland Tunnel in New Jersey:

Since it has at-grade intersections, it is marked as highway=trunk. A similar example is Interstate 40 between Amarillo and the New Mexico border:

It's marked as highway=motorway, although it has ~8 at-grade intersections. Should it be marked as highway=trunk between the first and last intersections?

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 11 Dec '11, 00:44

Clorox's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I think for the Holland Tunnel, highway/trunk is appropriate, since the I-78 freeway effectively ends several blocks west, and the New York end of the tunnel is a city street as well. For I-40, I'd leave it as highway/motorway. There are a very few at-grade intersections on interstates in west Texas, that are basically exceptions to the rule about no intersections, since traffic is very light. The other aspects of the road (75+ mph speed limit, interchanges, etc.) remain the same. (I used to live in NYC and now in Texas.)

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answered 29 Dec '11, 15:51

davidmanuel71's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

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question asked: 11 Dec '11, 00:44

question was seen: 8,214 times

last updated: 29 Dec '11, 15:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum