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When starting the Android Mapzen client my efforts to accept the privileges to the site result in the website report an Application Error. I'd like to be able to report POI's but this issue is a show stopper so far as using this application is concerned.

I just confirmed that I can log out and log back into with no problems.

Here is the URL I used from my android which is causing me problems.

After you click on the "Save Changes" button you will see the application error it causes me.

The problem has been created from using mapzen on my Android phone but the URL can replicate the problem from any browser it seems.

asked 10 Dec '11, 06:37

Pakenhamin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Dec '11, 15:51


Can you logon to your account on the main OSM site ( without problems?

(10 Dec '11, 11:24) SimonPoole ♦

I can confirm this problem. When you fire up Mapzen, it presents a login button which fires up the phone's browser pointing at a URL like the one posted above. I am able to log in fine. It then presents the oauth "Authorize access to your account" page with 3 checkboxes. When I tap "Save changes" I get an HTTP 500 error back from - still in the phone's browser, not in the Mapzen app.

(12 Dec '11, 20:04) ToeBee

It looks like the Mapzen guys are using mapzen://osm_callback as their call-back from the mobile browser. However, Ruby's URI parsing (correctly) identifies this as an invalid URL, presumably because osm_callback contains an underscore and is not a valid hostname. The correct callback probably should be mapzen:///osm_callback or mapzen://osm-callback.

In short - this appears to be a bug in Mapzen.

Update: Or possibly not - it might be a bug in Ruby's URI library, which appears to be treating the osm_callback part as a registry name but then failing because URI::Generic doesn't use a registry.

permanent link

answered 12 Dec '11, 20:43

Matt's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 12 Dec '11, 21:12

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question asked: 10 Dec '11, 06:37

question was seen: 3,794 times

last updated: 12 Dec '11, 21:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum