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Part of the rue Antoine-Julien Hénard in Paris (way 4236213) had earlier been tagged oneway:yes, which is no longer correct (if it ever was). I removed the tag, but two routing sites that use OSM data ( and continue to route cars and bikes as if it were still a one-way street. Am I doing something wrong, or are those sites working with an old version of the OSM data? If I am doing something wrong, can you let me know what?

asked 09 Dec '11, 18:00

Brian%20Ogilvie's gravatar image

Brian Ogilvie
accept rate: 0%

Routing sites typically update their routing data less frequently than their rendered-tiles data. Give them some time.

permanent link

answered 09 Dec '11, 18:40

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

Thanks! I'm a newbie here, so I appreciate the info. I have found OSM-based cycling maps to be incredibly useful so I feel a responsibility to contribute what I can to the project.

(09 Dec '11, 19:55) Brian Ogilvie

OpenRouteService seems to think it is two way; it also displays the date of the data it is using for routing in the top right if you want to check things like this in future.,48.8427611&end=2.3915667,48.8430779&pref=Shortest&lang=de&noMotorways=false&noTollways=false

(10 Dec '11, 10:12) EdLoach ♦

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question asked: 09 Dec '11, 18:00

question was seen: 3,953 times

last updated: 10 Dec '11, 10:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum