Best landuse tag for an area that contains a hotel or motel? |
I would be tempted to use landuse=commercial as they sell you somewhere to stay or hold conferences or so on, rather than a physical product which I think is the main distinction between retail and commercial (at least looking at wikipedia's definitions of the two - the OSM wiki is sadly lacking in clarity at present). See wikipedia:Retail and wikipedia:Commercial_district to see if you agree, and compare with Map Features, landuse=retail and landuse=commercial pages. |
The correct answer depends on the surroundings. Some motels are in an industrial area, some in commercial, some even in residential areas. Note the "Note: this tag should not be used for individual shops mapped as areas" note on the landuse pages in the wiki. The land use for what's around it isn't the land use for that spot. Muddying the waters kind of defeats the point of having landuse tagging to start with.
(07 Dec '11, 15:22)
Baloo Uriza
The full quote is "Note: this tag should not be used for individual shops mapped as areas - instead use the relevant shop=* tag and building=yes." which makes it clear that it shouldn't be used as a replacement for tagging the building. I should stress that I'm mapping the parcel that the hotel resides on with a landuse, not the building. I think that it's bad practice to map an area based on its surroundings, instead of what's there, e.g. retail areas that are surrounded by residential should have their own landuse.
(07 Dec '11, 15:23)
The question remains how big the area has to be to deserve its own landuse (one building with its lot and parking, a block of buildings, even bigger...)
(07 Dec '11, 22:27)
Depends. What's it zoned as? It helps to have a public domain/government data/otherwise compatibly-licensed map to borrow from. I don't think that zoning is entirely synonymous with landuse. For example, I've seen an Ace Hardware store which was zoned industrial, whereas I think that the correct landuse would be retail. That said, I think looking at how hotels are typically zoned is a great idea.
(07 Dec '11, 15:41)
Much of the world is not zoned.
(07 Dec '11, 22:15)