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I'm having own calibrated air fotos of the area, which I'm just editing in JOSM. The calibration has the format of OziExplorer. The calibration is stored in external files with the extension .MAP. The fotos have in most cases .JPG-format, sometimes .BMP-format.

Is it possible to load these air fotos (or similar maps) together with its calibration as background for editing in JOSM or is it possible to load these fotos with another calibration format ? How ? When it isn't possible: Is this feature planned in the future ?

asked 04 Dec '11, 17:12

Thunichgud's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Oct '13, 15:51

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

With the Piclayer plugin, you can load world files.

This is a standard format for calibrating photos, but I don't know if there is an easy way to convert from OziExplorer .map file to .jgw.

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answered 04 Dec '11, 20:46

bastik's gravatar image

accept rate: 41%


GDAL, and thus ogr2ogr, supports .MAP files, at least for the GIF driver.

(04 Dec '11, 23:40) joshdoe

Can someone describe what is proper procedure to load georeferenced JPG? Documentation for Piclayer plugin does not even mention world files and loading such files does not work.

(31 Mar '12, 14:23) Pedja

Put e.g. image01.jpg and image01.jgw in the same folder and load image01.jpg with piclayer. If it doesn't work, you can open a ticket at, and attach both files.

(31 Mar '12, 21:39) bastik

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question asked: 04 Dec '11, 17:12

question was seen: 7,446 times

last updated: 14 Oct '13, 15:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum