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I come across this a lot. Today for example, A large factory with a clearly defined building and car park. There are other areas, some quite large which are (presumably) used for vehicle access of some kind. They are really areas rather than roads. How should they be mapped? On a similar theme - the MCFC ground near here has large, wide walkways and associated walk 'areas'. How should they be mapped?

asked 03 Dec '11, 10:55

RobChafer's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Usually by drawing a closed way around these areas and adding area=yes. Do not forget to connect it to the rest of the road network.

Edit: In case it was not clear, as pointed out in comments, area=yes is added to any tags, it does not replace any. In your case highway=service service=driveway area=yes for the factory and highway=pedestrian/footway area=yes for the walkways.

permanent link

answered 03 Dec '11, 12:57

LM_1's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

edited 03 Dec '11, 20:58

Any other tags (other than area)?

(03 Dec '11, 13:20) RobChafer

None that I know of.

(03 Dec '11, 14:45) LM_1

Just to be clear, add area=yes in addition to the tags that would you would normally use. For example: highway=pedestrian area=yes

(03 Dec '11, 20:04) DanHomerick

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question asked: 03 Dec '11, 10:55

question was seen: 4,144 times

last updated: 03 Dec '11, 20:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum