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I have some experience with Potlatch 1 and I am trying to use Potlatch 2. But when I select to edit a map, Potlatch 2 opens and shows a high-res bing background and a nice sidebar with POI templates. I can see the map features, but I cannot edit them. When I select a map feature (e.g. a road or a POI) nothing happens. The sidebar does not change and I cannot see any detail of the selected map feature. This aspect is totally different from the tutorial video, where the sidebar changes to a details view when you select a map feature. What do I wrong?

I am using Safari and Firefox at my Mac.

asked 01 Dec '11, 21:43

TomRadfahrer's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Difficult to tell, but my first suggestion would be that you update to the latest Flash Player and try again.

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answered 02 Dec '11, 09:06

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Ja, es lag an der Version des Flash-Players. Damit hatte ich nicht gerechnet. Dass die Entwickler am Start des Programms die Abfrage vergessen, ob die Flash-version auch zu der Potlatch version passt, ist sehr "ungewöhnlich". Eine kleine Fehlermeldung hätte mir sehr geholfen.

Jetzt funktioniert die Benutzeroberfläche für mich, aber ich kann meine GPX-Tracks nicht anzeigen. In Potlatch 1 sehe ich die Tracks, in Potlatch 2 nicht. Ich habe die Tracks mit dem GPS-Menü hochgeladen, aber ich sehe nichts. Auch die Tasten Shift-g und g wirken nicht. Hätte hier jemand noch ein Tipp für mich?

(02 Dec '11, 23:12) TomRadfahrer

If you press the "GPS Data" button in Potlatch 2 that'll show everyone's GPS tracks (like "g" does in Potlatch 1). There isn't a Potlatch 2 equivalent to Potlatch 1's "shift-g" (show all my GPS traces), but if you click the little arrow next to "GPS Data" you can select individual traces to load.

(02 Dec '11, 23:32) SomeoneElse ♦

The version check is already in there. It's possible, however, that the version of Flash Player that you were initially using contains bugs that were preventing P2 from working. If you tell us what version you had, we can change the version check. If not... we can't!

(05 Dec '11, 17:03) Richard ♦

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question asked: 01 Dec '11, 21:43

question was seen: 3,729 times

last updated: 05 Dec '11, 17:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum