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A local road has the sign, (at each end) of a red circle with a motor cycle over a car . Underneath is an additional square sign saying " Except for access". Buses, taxis, cycles and horses are permitted to travel the whole length of the road, by the fact that there is no restriction. I have tagged this road restriction=access and motor_vehicle = destination but I am not 100% sure that this would be interpreted right by anyone or anything not knowing the area.

asked 01 Dec '11, 21:02

gumpa's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Assuming you are in the UK: the sign with "a red circle with a motor cycle over a car" does mean "no motor vehicles". The "Except for access" bit means you can use it for access to places alongside the road, where there is no other route.

The "no motor vehicles" sign does apply to buses and taxis, unless there is an exemption specifically for them, or a separate bus lane etc. So they would not be permitted to travel along that road, unless they were going to somewhere along that road.

The correct way to tag this in OSM would motor_vehicle=destination. There is no need for any sort of restriction= tag.

You could also tag bicycle=yes, foot=yes, horse=yes, to specify explicitly that they are allowed. Though this is usually implied by the highway tag, so isn't really necessary.

You could also check the wiki page for Road signs in the United Kingdom (though it doesn't currently have an example of "except for access").

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answered 02 Dec '11, 00:48

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%


restriction=access isn't the tag you're looking for. access=yes, motor_vehicle=destination is better. Are motorcycles allowed? Not quite clear if you meant bicycles or motorcycles.

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answered 01 Dec '11, 22:54

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 01 Dec '11, 21:02

question was seen: 7,560 times

last updated: 02 Dec '11, 00:48

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