What is the easiest way to use a custom map style in Potlatch 2? I guess you can upload the mapcss file to a server or set up a rails port locally, but is there a simpler method? For starters, a text input field where you can paste the style would be great. |
There's no way at present to use a local file of any kind in Potlatch 2, but development work is underway to make loading local files possible. To deploy a custom Potlatch 2 installation you don't need to have your own Rails port. You can just point your PL2 at the main editing API, or at the dev server for testing. Then it's just a case of uploading your MapCSS file to your web space and configuring it. Thanks, it worked fine with default configuration. You don't even need to upload anything, the server.rb script starts a local web server. (Only caveat: OAuth doesn't work, so you cannot upload any edits.) The wiki page says "Pull down all the files from ...". How are you supposed to do that, "wget -r -R '*index.html*'"?
(28 Nov '11, 21:04)
I used wget to do that. I think there has been talks about a zip file.. Which would be nice I guess.
(29 Nov '11, 06:43)