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Hello guys!! I'm pretty new in this openstreetmaps world, and I just want to know if the service provides a gecodification service as google, like this :,+Mountain+View,+CA&sensor=false

This will return a json file with all the info of the address. The main problem is that google only provides this service 2500 times per 24 hours. And I would like to know if openstreetmaps provides the same information and with what kind of restrictions.

Many thanks in advance!!!

asked 26 Nov '11, 20:23

mandm's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Nov '11, 16:54

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...

Yes, read the Nominatim docs, since it is currently hosted by Mapquest there is currently no such limit, but a max of 50k requests per day was mentioned on the mailing list. But as always with webservices (like Googles services as well), ToS can change at anytime.

If you search like this:,+Mountain+View,+CA?format=json&polygon=1&addressdetails=1

Will results in a json response including these matches:

"Mountainview Avenue, Woodlake, Tulare, California, 93286, United States of America",
"Mountainview Lane, Orange, California, 92648, United States of America",
"Mountainview Circle, Santa Clara, Santa Clara County, California, 95037, United States of America",
"Mountainview Drive, Lakeshore, Placer, California, 95650, United States of America",
"Mountainview Road, Lancaster, Kern, California, 93501, United States of America",
"North Mountainview Avenue, Pomona, Los Angeles, California, 91767, United States of America",
"Mountainview Road, Orange, California, 92678, United States of America",
"Mountainview Place, Lafayette, Contra Costa, California, 94549, United States of America",
"Mountainview Lane, Lafayette, Contra Costa, California, 94549, United States of America",

You can limit you search by adding country code in front, which I find very convenient if you are doing matches out side of the USA. The MQ Nominatim does things like LA -> Louisiana, which makes a search for "La Paz" kind of hard.

permanent link

answered 26 Nov '11, 23:06

emj's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 29 Nov '11, 04:56


Many thanks for the useful answer emj.

I was looking around the web trying to find the limits or restrictions of nominatim, and I didn't find it.

Here's a link talking about that :

Thank you emj.


(28 Nov '11, 13:34) mandm

Do you want to click "accept answer"?

(29 Nov '11, 04:42) emj

@mandm, the link is dead

(08 May '14, 03:33) TomM

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question asked: 26 Nov '11, 20:23

question was seen: 12,780 times

last updated: 08 May '14, 03:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum