Sorry for absolute dumb question... I need to generate the OSM map tiles on the fly on Ruby (Actually on Rhomobile app, which is Ruby based) , so could you hint out which library, extention can do it? On mobile device I have only Sqlite, and I think I should use something like as a row, and let it generate the map tiles..Or? Any ideas,hints? |
Using Ruby will be a difficult requirement here; you might want to try using a webview or similar to dodge it. That said, you can try to compile Mapnik statically and use Ruby-Mapnik, or use propublica's simple-tiles library.
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yes, but deal is that I want to generate tiles on the fly on RhoMobile Framework, which is on Ruby
(28 Aug '12, 10:47)
Yes; so, you'll either need to compile a static library, or build something yourself in Ruby, which is likely to non-performant and a long process. There is no magic bullet - using RhoMobile restricts what you can do, so either use it with its restrictions, or don't.
(29 Aug '12, 17:27)
Please check my gem
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