Hi, I have created a webpart in SharePoint,where in it will render the maps using the Open Street Maps API. I am able to render them successfully.However when I am selecting some of the Menu items on the page, Menu items were getting listed(for example if we click on File->It will display New,Open,Save etc.)They are covered by the OSM layers on top of them Is there any way we can make the layer to go back or any property to make it as background layer,so that those menu items will also be visible.I am able to view correctly in Internet Explorer 7,but not in Internet Explorer 8. Please let me know if any property is there to make the layer to make it back and forth Thanks to you all !!! |
The question has been closed for the following reason "The questioner answered his own question" by ChrisH 25 Nov '11, 15:40
This is question about OpenLayers (I presume your reference to "using the Open Street Maps API" is incorrect. You're just using the OpenStreetMap tile server) As such you might be better off asking about this on the OpenLayers.org user mailing list ...although maybe we can help you here. You'll probably need to give us something more to go on though. For example perhaps you could save the generated HTML and make it available somewhere for us to look at. The only general tips I can think of for this kind of problem, would be experiment with arrange the elements the other way around within the order of the HTML somehow, or experiment with a z-index css property. Hi Harris, Thanks for the reply,I got that resolved by setting the Position to relative and Z-index to 0 for the div tag.Sorry to refer that as Open Street Maps API,I am using the OpenLayers.
(24 Nov '11, 09:24)
Aha. z-index solved it hey? So if you click the tick to the left of my answer, then that labels this question as solved.
(24 Nov '11, 12:45)
Harry Wood