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I'm planning a charity orienteering type event using multiple modes of transport etc over a reasonably large area.

What I would like to know firstly if my use case is legally allowed and not infringing any copyright laws etc..


Can I use the data on OSM to generate a map on paper and for Garmin complete with a set of bespoke Icons/waypoints? These would relate to the event and each team (for example checkpoints,events and challenges etc)

If so, what's the easiest and quickest and most inexpensive way to do it?

Thanks for reading, thanks in advance and whatever the answer thanks for your time!

asked 16 Nov '11, 11:44

miguel44's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 16 Nov '11, 15:39

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood

Absolutely no problem legally speaking. The OpenStreetMap license is intended to make it easy for interesting uses of maps like this. Just make sure you give us credit as required.

You're talking about temporary data for a specific orienteering event. Locations of checkpoints etc, so this is not data which you would put directly into the OpenStreetMap database, but you can easily layer this on top of a map in your desired outputs.

You asked about paper outputs and files for Garmin. Two quite different things, each with a many different approaches possible. I suggest you ask a different question more specifically when you get stuck on a particular aspect of these things, but broadly speaking as a starting point OSM on paper lists various options of for putting maps on paper. OSM map on Garmin lists options for loading OSM onto garmin devices (including set-up for generating your own IMG files)

Oh and the other thing you'll find intersting is "OpenOrienteeringMap"! (And you're allowed to take printouts from this. All free open maps under the same license)

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answered 16 Nov '11, 15:46

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

edited 16 Nov '11, 15:48

There is a service rendering OSM maps specifically for Orienteering that may get you towards your goal. See and the OpenOrienteeringMap at

Additionally there is a paper at that discusses "Creating and Maintaining Street Orienteering Maps using OpenStreetMap" that may also be of interest.

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answered 17 Nov '11, 07:41

chas66's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes you can use our map just label it www.openstreetmap and CCbySA hera's link to creating maps or on the map page the right + reveals some other map styles and the export tab will download a section which you can open with paint or word ect hope your event goes well. I think opencyclemap gives route plotting I'll try to find it.

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answered 16 Nov '11, 15:32

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 16 Nov '11, 11:44

question was seen: 11,446 times

last updated: 17 Nov '11, 07:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum