See this photo: Often found leading up to a bridge (overpass). This seems similar to a viaduct, but the viaduct examples I've seen are open underneath. (see The other closest physical description is an 'embankment' but the rendering with 'spikes' on the side would be inappropriate since the walls are vertical. |
Map them as barrier=retaining_wall going along the road, under the bridge and than back (one way, see image), do not forget on correct level numbers.
While that works, I wonder what is the practical use of tagging this feature at all ? To generate a 3d rendering ? So that an off-road routing engine avoids crossing the road there ? In both cases, I'd be surprised if any existing software made proper use of the information.
(15 Nov '11, 13:17)
Vincent de P... ♦
"Because it's there"?
(15 Nov '11, 13:23)
SomeoneElse ♦
You could draw a parallel way on either side of the road and use [barrier=retaining_wall]. Draw it in the direction so that the lower side is on right side of way direction. See |