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I have a problem with Potlatch2 - when I click on Edit by Potlatch2 button, Potlatch stops its loading at 100% and nothing happens then.

Tried on Chrome and IE9 - same results.
System: Win7.

I have found a question about similar difficulties with Potlatch2 and Ubuntu - here.
Any ideas?


asked 13 Nov '11, 09:57

sohaj_ondrejko's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It's possible that it's freezing as it tries to access Adobe's servers to load some Flash Player code.

One way in which this can happen is if your home network is badly set up. Many local networks use the 192.168.x.x IP address range. However, Adobe's website also has IP addresses beginning with 192. (e.g. If your router is set up to think that all 192.x.x.x addresses are in your local network, then downloading the code from Adobe's servers will fail. You can easily test whether this is the case by trying to go to

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answered 13 Nov '11, 17:56

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

I have the same problem and I think its root lies in what you just said. I have tried to use Potlatch2 on the same laptop (Firefox/Ubuntu) in the US and in Iran. And while it works in the US it fails in Iran (also tried many other browser/OS combinations). The problem is that rejects Iranian IPs and you cannot even load their web page. I wonder if there is a workaround to bypass connection to Adobe servers.

(15 Apr '12, 13:43) mahdiarnt

possibly related to - keep an eye on that one

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answered 11 May '12, 10:29

meinhard's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Try this:

  • Right mouse click in the Potlatch (Flash) Image
  • Global Settings
  • Select Point 3 from above
  • Click On "Settings for local Memory ..."
  • Find or add ""
  • Select "Allow"

I have both Win7 and Ubuntu with Firefox.

I hope this will help you!

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answered 05 Apr '12, 14:22

rosco's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 13 Nov '11, 09:57

question was seen: 4,824 times

last updated: 11 May '12, 10:29

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