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Hi every one,

I am from Egypt, when i did export Egypt map street names was written in Arabic but missed up. How can i export an English map of these region?

Thanks a lot for your efforts.


I found a offline navigation software for Android (NAVIT), That is based on OSM through planet extractor here

Maps for Egypt show areas & street names in Arabic, I would like to ask if I can export map in English also. Is this related to program or the Maps

asked 12 Nov '11, 23:07

Ahmed%20Said's gravatar image

Ahmed Said
accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Nov '11, 06:58


can you explain your "export" ? what was exported ? an image, OSM data ? from where ?

(12 Nov '11, 23:39) Pieren

The wikimedia toolserver supports some non-default language renderings, e.g. like this .

Of course, for an English name to render on that map it needs to be present in the data,

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answered 20 Dec '11, 20:26

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Maybe this answers can help you:

It is mainly answering regarding Israel but I the "problem" is the same.

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answered 20 Dec '11, 09:32

Mr_Israel's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It seems that a lot of villages (as this one) and streets (as this one) are tagged with their english names. But, it seems that the english names are not rendered on the default map. So you have to render your own map or find a provider that render the street names as you want.

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answered 14 Nov '11, 08:37

NicolasDumoulin's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

... and try to search for "language" on this FAQ site.

(14 Nov '11, 17:19) stephan75

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question asked: 12 Nov '11, 23:07

question was seen: 4,456 times

last updated: 20 Dec '11, 20:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum