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I know a few post codes but do not know how much of the street they apply to. How could I use and tag with this info. What do you do, any ideas?

asked 11 Nov '11, 23:26

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

Thanks Ed. The freeing (in UK) of code data will be the solution eventually,may be streets will get split with nodes into sections each with their postcode.

(15 Nov '11, 16:58) andy mackey

Post codes really apply to the buildings rather than the streets themselves. I would tag them on the buildings where you know them to be correct.

In the UK I think the codepoint open data can be used to fairly accurately work out which properties are in which postcode, but I believe that is currently waiting on the OS to get Royal Mail to confirm they are as happy for us to use it with ODbL as the other OS Opendata sources.

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answered 12 Nov '11, 07:53

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%


Er... don't postcodes apply to an area rather than individual items ? Tagging every node/way/whatever seem like a waste of ressources (both manpower and disk/bandwidth).

Tools used to have a hard time matching, say, a street and the admin_boundary it is in. But AFAIK that's solved now, at least for the most common tools (nominatim, mkgmap...).

(14 Nov '11, 11:08) Vincent de P... ♦

In the UK (or at least England), postcodes are a property of the buildings. Usually (often) these might be houses next to each other down one or both sides of a section of a road, but I have found examples where new houses inserted in a street at a more recent time have a different postcode to those older ones either side. Also heavy use properties will probably have their own postcode. This may be different elsewhere in the world.

(14 Nov '11, 11:22) EdLoach ♦

Similar in the US: ZIP codes are tied to a delivery area or post office. ZIP+4 "identifies a geographic segment within the 5-digit delivery area, such as a city block, office building, individual high-volume receiver of mail, or any other unit that would aid efficient mail sorting and delivery." USPS FAQ:

(14 Nov '11, 16:20) neuhausr

In Canada a single post code may refer to a large region, or to a portion of a large building that has multiple postal codes.

(15 Nov '11, 23:49) Richard Weait

There is a postcode layer for the UK you can add to editors. Please do NOT add the postcode node, use it to add postcodes to buildings, address nodes or address interpolation ways.

(17 Nov '11, 11:22) ChrisH

The downside of adding a post code to each house it we have to draw them all first,I tend to draw big landmark buildings but small buildings I rarely draw.I wasn't suggesting we should put in separate post code nodes but I wondered if splitting the street with nodes,with each street section getting it's separate code but this would not work if code was different on each side of street

(17 Nov '11, 14:53) andy mackey
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question asked: 11 Nov '11, 23:26

question was seen: 4,948 times

last updated: 17 Nov '11, 14:53

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