I'm having trouble getting a layer to show on top of another - a car park to show on top of a sports arena - see http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.423296&lon=-2.835831&zoom=18&layers=M There should be 2 car parks showing on the stadium (left hand) but I can only get the small one to render. I've tried making it a higher layer which didn't seem to work so used an inner/outer multi-polygon. This worked for one of the two but not the other. I don't understand! Any advice please? |
I think there are a number of issues here, such as how the OSM data gets translated into the database that Mapnik uses for rendering, so the layers tags don't always work in the way you expect. I note though that you've tried using multipolygons to make the car parks holes in the stadium, which has worked for the smaller one but not the larger. I suspect this will be because the larger car park, while given the role of inner, isn't entirely within the outer - see for example this node. Gosh, you are a sharp cookie Ed, I didn't spot that. I've tweaked it and will now wait and see if that works. Many thanks. Robin
(11 Nov '11, 10:31)
Refreshing now and the large car park appears, but the small one is now green. I wonder if it is because you have it twice in the multipolygon rather than once? http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/136294027
(11 Nov '11, 10:45)
EdLoach ♦