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What is the philosophy on map objects? For example, I realized that a local river in a place where I live is split into couple of parts. The river is about 50 km long and it has some 5-10 parts, I did not count them exactly. Can I join these parts into a single entity. I guess there are not tag conflicts between those parts. The reason I am asking is following - it would be nice to have rivers, roads and other entities as single entities, so that they could be nicely linked from somewhere else (e.g. relevant Wikipedia page).

Given there were tag conflicts between different parts of one geographical object (e.g. maximum allowed speed on a road) - is there a way to group such parts into higher type of object?

asked 21 Sep '10, 16:58

Kozuch's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

The API limits the number of nodes a single way can have to 2.000 (this has been introduced with API version 0.6). Therefore you probably won't be able to join a long river to one single way.

There seems to be also a rather old proposal for grouping streets, rivers, railways etc. with the help of a relation. A newer one for rivers can be found here or just take a look at this list.

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answered 21 Sep '10, 17:12

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 21 Sep '10, 17:21

For your example, the ways and polygons of a river may be placed into a Collected Way relation to indicate that the river is composed of those separate parts.

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answered 21 Sep '10, 17:19

Mike%20N's gravatar image

Mike N
accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 21 Sep '10, 16:58

question was seen: 7,072 times

last updated: 21 Sep '10, 17:21

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