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In the Netherlands, in many one way streets cyclists are permitted to ride in both directions. Is there a way to designate this exeption for cyclists?

asked 10 Nov '11, 21:11

wimvantklooster's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Looking at tagwatch and the wiki you should use cycleway=opposite

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answered 10 Nov '11, 21:32

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

Only if there's a dedicated cycleway in the opposite direction.

(10 Nov '11, 21:50) Baloo Uriza

That's not true Paul. cycleway=opposite is correct for the situation described, you are thinking either of cycleway=oppposite_lane or cycleway=opposite_track.

(11 Nov '11, 08:40) Andy Allan

I had this question myself recently, and my interpretation of the wiki agrees with Gnonthgol's and Andy Allan's. The description in the wiki of cycleway=opposite specifies that it is to be used when the cyclist "does not have a dedicated lane."

(11 Nov '11, 10:23) Brian Ogilvie

oneway:bicycle=no would be appropriate if bicycles are allowed to violate a one-way restriction when there's no cycleway in that direction. (though as a cyclist, the very idea of a cyclist going against the rest of traffic without their own lane gives me the screaming willies)

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answered 10 Nov '11, 21:51

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%


it is the normal situation in small streets in the netherlands. Bikes always have the right of way and car drivers are very careful. In fact, there are fewer accidents involving bikes than in other european countries, where bikes are only allowed on designated lanes. Sorry for off topic.

(12 Nov '11, 06:26) moszkva ter

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question asked: 10 Nov '11, 21:11

question was seen: 3,391 times

last updated: 12 Nov '11, 06:26

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