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Is there a place where I can search map objects by tag(s)?

asked 21 Sep '10, 16:49

Kozuch's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

retagged 21 Sep '10, 19:11

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

Have a look at

There you can get the desired data on a map. The OSM data is mirrored on a Wikimedia toolserver.

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answered 22 Sep '10, 19:22

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Seems to be the best option so far, but is not very user-friendly. Among other negatives, it needs a bbox parameter or a coordinate of a center (is not able to scale the map itself). There is also a limit of 10,000 objects for a list and 1,000 objects for a map.

(25 Jul '11, 16:37) Kozuch

There is a GUI for building queries to Query-to-map:

(20 Mar '14, 13:31) lukas_p

Trying the GUI luka_p provided, I can't seem to get results out of a search Using the list mode I get this error message: ERROR: permission denied for relation planet_osm_point

(14 Oct '18, 18:34) ChameleonScales

Zhe answers to this question are all rather old as the question itself. Today you should typically do this with

(14 Oct '18, 19:54) SimonPoole ♦

Thank you, this works like a charm !

(14 Oct '18, 21:07) ChameleonScales

You want to use the XAPI for this, for example *[amenity=hospital]*.

The data might be slightly older (a few minutes) than the OSM database, but the XAPI is modified to provide fast and enhanced search and querying capabilities. It supports only searching for one tag at the same time and you can limit the area by specifying a bounding box. Also, there are several mirrors available.

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answered 21 Sep '10, 16:58

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 21 Sep '10, 17:00

Can I plot the results into a map directly? Something as if I list ways for example...

(22 Sep '10, 06:58) Kozuch

You should specify how large the map is, that you want to search. Small areas can be searched in JOSM, bigger areas might require a different approach like the ones mentioned in the other replies. If you dispose of your own database copy you can also perform db-queries to find the information you want. It also depends how often the tag you are looking for is in the db (i.e. the amount of results you are expecting).

In taginfo you can search for a tag and see a map for all the nodes that use this tag. In OSM-Browser there is a GUI for searching POIs. There is surely tons of other tools and possibilities available, it really depends on you requirements and the effort you want to put into it.

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answered 26 Jul '11, 18:22

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

edited 26 Jul '11, 18:23

You can use Maperitive to search for OSM data based on tags, but this only works for data loaded from an OSM file. It will then show all the matching OSM elements on the map.

More info:

You can then use list-results, find-next, find-prev and get-info commands.

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answered 22 Sep '10, 15:50

Breki's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 21 Sep '10, 16:49

question was seen: 41,598 times

last updated: 14 Oct '18, 21:07

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