When I search for a location in OSM, it shows me results from "Internal" and "Nominatim", and if I put my cursor over a result a marker will pop up on the map. Cool, exactly what I wanted! But when I move my cursor off the search result, the location marker disappears. That's no good! I need the marker to stay there so I can zoom in and take a look at that location on the map. How do I do that? Thanks, Duncan |
You just click on the result link that you had been hovering on. Then the map will center on that location. Then you could use the share function from the menu on the right, choose "include marker" to get a share url. This one will show a map with a marker, e.g.: https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=50.0725&mlon=14.4102#map=16/50.0725/14.4102 |