If I tried to get Germany or France admin_level=2 (country boundaries) I got for Germany also Nederland. For France I got also Italy and Nederland. Is it wrong data or my query is wrong? Check this under link: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1GCA Or there is the whole query you can try on: https://overpass-turbo.eu/ Query:
This is expected. You are asking for boundaries partly or completely within the German boundary. Germany has a dispute with the Netherlands at the Dollard about the boundary. For that reason, in the OSM data a section of the Netherland's boundary is within German borders. I expect a similar effect wrt France and Italy somewhere at the Montblanc. France and Netherlands is a surprise pair because the two countries only border in the Carribean (Saint Martin/Sint Maarten), and borders there are expected to be fitting. I understand , but is there a way (how to change the query) to get only Germany boundary?
(31 Jan '24, 10:08)
Just query by name "Deutschland"? With tthe other criteria, you should get just https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/51477 . I'm not sure why you were searching for "countries within Germany" - were you expecting to look elsewhere and search for enclaves, maybe?
(31 Jan '24, 14:12)
SomeoneElse ♦
My goal is to find all regions and districts in Germany so I am trying to search all relations (with admin_level=4(6)) in Germany area. But I also get regions and districts from Nederland because of dispute boundary. The better way would be to search relations by tag (like: ['ISO3166-1'='DE']) but this tag is not represent on relations.
(01 Feb '24, 08:50)
I have already found the solution how to query regions of Germany:
and than for each region relation I can query districts of that region: