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Hi all, first of all many thanks on everyone who is making this possible!

I own a 2007 Honda Goldwing motorcycle with build-in 7 inch Garmin GPS. Not sure if it is simmilar to a Garmin type from the shop. The original map is from 2006 and no update is yet available (thanks Honda and Garmin!!!)

I downloaded several OSM maps and installed the map file on a CF card in garmin folder. Loads OK, can zoom in and out but I can't search for a country/city or address because all letters stay gray and aren't selectable. On the other hand if I choose a Favorite it calculates and I can drive to it but I can't enter any address to drive to so the map is actualy useless to me. Is this a comon problem related to the Garmin device or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for a reply. Pierre / Belgium

asked 04 Nov '11, 13:10

Pierre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Nov '11, 13:12

It would be useful to know where actually you downloaded the maps from - many people create Garmin maps from OSM data with many different characteristics. Also, a photo ot fthe front screen might help someone recognise which Garmin model it is really. Can you select something like "tools / settings / system / about" and let us know what it says?

(04 Nov '11, 15:29) SomeoneElse ♦

Also, what buttons are you pressing to search for a city? To give an example of how the maps work on my Nuvi 265W, I can select "where to / cities / spell / (spell city) / done / go" and it works*, but "where to / address" doesn't.

** a self-made map created with a very old copy of mkgmap

(04 Nov '11, 15:33) SomeoneElse ♦

I downloaded the map from and id loads correctly, streetnames and other stuff are OK, also the goto favorite function plots a correct route. The only thing I can't is give in an address to go to. I have 2 options, just "search" for an address or select "route" to give up an address to drive to. Both gives me the greyed out letters so I can't type any letter... With the original software at country is for instance "Belgium" already selected, with the OSM map there is nothing indicated and when trying to select a country you have to type and this is also greyed out so not possible (with a OSM map with several country's in it). Here is a screenshot: (picture CF card is original one from Honda/Garmin)


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answered 04 Nov '11, 16:27

Pierre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Nov '11, 17:11

I have the same problem on a GPSMap 60CSx and in MapSource (6.16.1) Using the same method as Pierre I created and downloaded a map of the Netherlands. Both in my GPS and in MapSource I cannot search an address.

The GPSMap 60 CSx shows empty lists for street names and cities. If I try a search in mapSource any address I try to find results in and error message:

The selected street is not valid in this map product. Please select a different street.

Yet, I am sure that the street I live in does exist in my home town.


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answered 30 Nov '11, 13:32

Rob65's gravatar image

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question asked: 04 Nov '11, 13:10

question was seen: 8,892 times

last updated: 30 Nov '11, 13:32

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