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I wish to split a complex area with many nodes into two areas. How to do this with iD (in-browser editor)?

asked 10 Jan '24, 16:53

fbax's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Jan '24, 16:53

Hi, This question has been partially answered here:- It's fairly easy to do with the JOSM editor. If you need any help please ask and indicate the area involved.

Regards Bernard

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answered 11 Jan '24, 07:10

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Hi Bernard, I followed these steps:

  1. Click on the node at which you want to split the multipolygon.
  2. Click on the scissors split icon on the palette.
  3. Click on the trashcan icon - the node at which you are splitting disappears and the two adjoining nodes become the end points.

I repeated these steps at another point of the area; this resulted in two distinct ways on the map.

I then used "continue" to connect the endpoints of line into what appears to be area; I did this for each line.

I then repeated the above processes again so that original area is now three areas; but I see on left panel then iD calls this a "multi-polygon" with four members!

I'm not sure where the fourth member came from; but I need to split these members into separate items so they can have different names.

The current map has one very large park that is actually three different parks. How do I now convert multi-polygon into distinct areas?

(11 Jan '24, 15:38) fbax

Hi, can you provide a link to where this is or the number of one of the polygons or the multipolygon relation number please? I can then have a look to see if I can figure out what's going on.

(11 Jan '24, 17:01) BCNorwich

Apparently there is no easy way to do this. I made changes like this:

  • Create a new area for each of the two smaller parks that should not be part of bigger area.
  • Delete nodes from original area that have "replaced" by new nodes in new areas.
  • Adjusted boundary with residential as I went.

A tedious process; but it has been completed!

Sorry BCNorwich, I did not see your request until I started typing this. Area 154401143 used to include areas 1240307302 and 1240311695. The original area was called "North Branch Park" which is wrong; the current area without name is private land with "no trespassing" signs beside the new paved cycleway.

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answered 16 Jan '24, 22:14

fbax's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi, No problem, you did well to sort it out yourself.

I notice that you went to great lengths to keep the areas separated by about a 2m gap. I doubt if this is ground truth though. There's not usually an unowned, unspecified section of land between two properties. If there's a fence or hedge, that would usually adjoin both properties. Therefore it's OSM practice to join the two areas at common nodes.

Well Done!

(17 Jan '24, 10:43) BCNorwich

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question asked: 10 Jan '24, 16:53

question was seen: 1,316 times

last updated: 17 Jan '24, 10:43

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