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I am a trustee of a small land trust. I spent a fair amount of time over the past summer cleaning up the map of largest property -- moving some trails, adding some trails, adding and removing some features, etc. We have a fair number of people walking the trails and are working to get the property as accurate as possible.

We had finally gotten to the point where our changes had propagated to apps like AllTrails and Gaia and then noticed this past weekend that somebody last month did an update that, in effect, undid all of my changes and then some.

I have tried to contact the person but not yet gotten a response. What is the correct next step?

asked 03 Jan '24, 00:15

Fillmore's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Note that from an OSM perspective things that do exist but people aren't allowed to use should generally be marked as (legally) not accessible with access tags rather than removed from the database. If it's there on the ground other mappers would be expected to add them back if that's the sort of thing they map. Lifecycle prefixes might also be useful if all traces have been removed in person, but old imagery still shows the demolished items.

(08 Jan '24, 23:07) InsertUser

As a last resort, you can revert their edits to return your area to a previous state, that is, to a time before they screwed up your revisions. I have never done this myself but you can explore the concept further in the Wiki. Someone will likely weigh in with more specifics in this forum as well.

More about reversion here

Hope this helps

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answered 03 Jan '24, 01:45

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Thanks. That is sorta what I thought. But being relatively new to OSM I didn't want to do anything rash :)

(03 Jan '24, 02:20) Fillmore

In the end I just added everything back in manually. I still had most of my original GPX tracks. Still some fine tuning to do but it is mostly put back together.

Thanks for the responses.

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answered 14 Jan '24, 19:31

Fillmore's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

2 gün önce bende aynı sorunu yaşadım. Günlerce oturup uğraştığım her bir detayına kadar çaba sarfettiğim haritanın içinden geçmiş ve silmişler. Bu kadar kolay olmamalı. Bu kadar kolay ulaşılmamalı. Geri getirmek mümkün olmuyor. Şu an ne yapacağımı gerçekten bilmiyorum. Ve bu hatalı düzenleme yaklaşık olarak 750 kişinin işini mahvetti.

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answered 26 Jan '24, 11:49

BAYIRKASABI's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If real objects have been removed you can revert or ask for help reverting.

(26 Jan '24, 15:59) InsertUser

Nasıl yapacağımı bilmiyorum. Geçmişte 11 ay önce yaptığım değişiklikler gösteriliyor. Ancak bunları geri getirme konusunda bir fikrim yok

(26 Jan '24, 16:02) BAYIRKASABI

Bunu duyduğuma üzüldüm. Tekrar girmek zorunda kaldığım detay miktarı sizden çok daha azdı. Ama mutsuzdum.

(28 Jan '24, 21:23) Fillmore

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question asked: 03 Jan '24, 00:15

question was seen: 1,214 times

last updated: 28 Jan '24, 21:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum