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Hello. I want to download information about oceans and seas so I can extract their bounding boxes. The OSM wiki says place=sea or place=ocean and data should be nodes ideally and possibly ways.

However, I have done generous queries such as:

(node["name"~"north sea",i];);out;

and get nothing useful back. I was sort of expecting an array of nodes giving some fuzzy outline of the North Sea.

I'd eventually like to be able to navigate a hierarchy such as Atlantic Ocean / English Channel / Southampton Water. Maybe then link it up to rivers that flow into these bodies of water.

So is there a way to retrieve through overpass API the extents of oceans, seas and other bodies of salty water?

Kind regards, Chessel

asked 01 Jan '24, 20:17

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question asked: 01 Jan '24, 20:17

question was seen: 662 times

last updated: 01 Jan '24, 20:17

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum