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Does OSM (or any opens-source tool that adds functionality onto OSM) have support for user-submitted reviews of businesses listed in Open Street Maps data?

Currently the best sources for maps-based, customer-submitted reviews of businesses is in Google Maps, Apple Maps, Yelp, Foursquare, and Trip Advisor. Unfortunately, all of these data sets are closed-source, so contributing to them is a risk.

I'm looking for a way to browse & contribute to reviews of businesses on Open Street Maps.

If this functionality is available natively in Open Street Maps, that would be great.

If this functionality is not available natively in Open Street Maps, I wonder if there's any other open-source projects that build on OSM that could be integrated into OSM-based apps, as was done with mapillary

Does Open Steet Maps have built-in support for storing customer review data about businesses that are stored in OSM? If not, are there any other open-source datasets that do this and integrate with OSM?

asked 31 Dec '23, 01:00

maltfield's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

See also, whoose dataset is CC BY-SA

(31 Dec '23, 01:03) maltfield

Note: This question was migrated to the OSM Discourse here

(24 Feb '24, 20:28) maltfield
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

The MapComplete theme based editor incorporates Mangrove Reviews into its interface.

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answered 24 Jan '24, 23:14

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

I have only seen one instance where a user had tagged the name of a restaurant as "Don't eat here it's not good" which works on one level but is not within the use case for OSM.

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answered 25 Jan '24, 03:55

cactolith's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 31 Dec '23, 01:00

question was seen: 1,732 times

last updated: 24 Feb '24, 20:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum