Hi, |
Hi Peter, "Salt Spring Island" is already tagged as an alt-name. The island is mapped in sections making up a multipolygon relation, Here:- https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1019863 this is where the tags are held and where they can be edited. To edit in the ID editor, open the above web page. Zoom into part of the island, open the ID editor, you may again have to zoom into part of its coast. Click on the coast/island outline, then scroll down through the edit menu to relations, there's 5 relations involved. It is the "island" relation that holds the island info tags. Click on the relation, this brings up the 7 tags for the island relation. You can now edit the existing tags, remove tags, or add new ones. Need more help please just ask, Regards Bernard BC note Link did not work until I deleted brackets and comma
(16 Dec '23, 08:54)
andy mackey
Thanks Andy, Note to self leave a space at both ends of a link.
(16 Dec '23, 09:19)