I want to donate to OSM via flattr. Is this ( https://flattr.com/profile/openstreetmap ) the offical OSM account? I could not found any proof besides a twitter from flattr. asked 04 Nov '11, 10:09 Flow aseerel4c26 ♦ |
Yes, I can confirm the account is official. The profile will be updated over the next few days and then publicly announced. answered 04 Nov '11, 11:35 Firefishy ♦♦ 1
Hmm, it's still not listed @ http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Donations
(28 May '12, 18:49)
It is now :) The flattr donations so far have just been contributed to the hardware upgrade funding drive: http://donate.openstreetmap.org/comments/
(16 Jun '13, 04:34)
Firefishy ♦♦