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Periodicly i update the Nominatim database with the command: nominatim replication.

And untill now that always worked correctly. But last time i did the process exited with this error (see image).

psycopg2.errors.InternalError_: line_substring: 1st arg isn't a line CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function osmline_update() line 113 at assignment

When i restart the update process it will start the process again and apperently stop again at the same point.

Is there a way to update the database past this date or any other suggestion how to fix this ?

asked 16 Nov '23, 01:09

TrackTrace's gravatar image

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edited 16 Nov '23, 01:20

Hi Ole,

Actually i did not find a solution. If no one can come up with a solution here i will rebuild the complete database.

(11 Jan '24, 00:01) TrackTrace

I have exactly the same problem. Did you manage to get it running again? Thanks! Ole.

Setup: nominatim 4.2 with docker-compose

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answered 09 Jan '24, 12:30

o_gardiner's gravatar image

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Hi TrackTrace,

Thanks for your response. Before rebuilding the complete database I wanted to check if an update to a newer version of Nominatim might help. Which version are you using?

Thanks, Ole.

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answered 11 Jan '24, 09:58

o_gardiner's gravatar image

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Hi Ole,

Im on 4.2.2

I see that there have been five major updates since then 4.2.2

Actually till now i did not really bother to much since the nominatim server kept working (without the updated database). By the way i have build the Europe database and You ?

Since the database update process seemed rather slow in the past i was still wondering if updating the database periodicly was really the best option. But now that you also have the same issue i will spend some time on it to see if updating nominatim can solve the problem.

Since i run nominatim on a virtualbox ubuntu server i will clone (server is about 650 GB) and then update it to see if it works (so that even if updating nominatim breaks the server i would still have the working original server).

P.s. Meaby you are interested to get in touch since we seem to have the same interest.

Follow up:

Did clone the server. When i now try to update nominatim it states.

nominatim admin --migrate

2024-01-11 12:07:22: Using project directory: /var/lib/postgresql

2024-01-11 12:07:22: Checking for necessary database migrations

2024-01-11 12:07:22: Database already at latest version (4.2.2-0)

I did download the latest update and put it in the /srv/nominatim directory where i originally installed 4.2.2 from.

I now have in this directory: /srv/nominatim Build Nominatim-4.2.2
Nominatim-4.3.2.tar.bz2 (should i unpack this ?)

I did run the command: nominatim admin --migrate From both /srv/nominatim and /srv/nominatim/build

From both i get the same result:

2024-01-11 12:07:22: Using project directory: /var/lib/postgresql

2024-01-11 12:07:22: Checking for necessary database migrations

2024-01-11 12:07:22: Database already at latest version (4.2.2-0)

Did unpack: tar xf Nominatim-4.3.2.tar.bz2 Did Run the command nominatim admin --migrate from: /srv/nominatim/Nominatim-4.3.2directory with same result

Using project directory: /srv/nominatim/Nominatim-4.3.2

Checking for necessary database migrations

Database already at latest version (4.2.2-0)

Anyone has tips ?

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answered 11 Jan '24, 10:40

TrackTrace's gravatar image

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edited 11 Jan '24, 11:32

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answered 14 Jan '24, 02:32

TrackTrace's gravatar image

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edited 14 Jan '24, 02:36

Hi TrackTrace,

Thanks for your detailed answer! I'm using nominatim in a docker context, so updating should not be too difficult. The only thing that makes me hesitate is that we are running a custom dataset (Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Austria) which I would prefer not to have to manually setup again. Did I understand your latest follow-up correctly in that an update did not help? Or ist the database update issue resolved now?

Btw, we are using nominatim to extract hierarchical geo information for a database of addresses which are being displayed on a map.

Cheers, Ole.

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answered 15 Jan '24, 08:29

o_gardiner's gravatar image

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Hi Ole,

Actually i used this suggestion.

Downloading and unpacking the *.tar.bz2 isn't enough. You need to build and install Nominatim ( Then nominatim --version should print the new version. With the new version you can run nominatim admin --migrate

After that it gave me issues where the user had not enough write acces. So still was not able to try it with an updated version. Did you try anything ?

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answered 19 Jan '24, 23:50

TrackTrace's gravatar image

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Hi TrackTrace,

Sorry for not getting back to you earlier. I plan to update nominatim within the next days or so and check if this solves the issue. I will keep you updated :)

Best, Ole

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answered 23 Jan '24, 08:32

o_gardiner's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 16 Nov '23, 01:09

question was seen: 1,745 times

last updated: 28 Jan '24, 00:33

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