Administrative boundaries are directly available as download at Cloudmade After this you may need extract needed admin_level (e.g. with josm find tool or with osmosis) answered 06 Oct '10, 10:13 frodrigo |
Administrative boundaries (if that is what you want) are marked in OSM with boundary=administrative, with admin___level set to the type of boundary (2 = national border etc., see the linked article). Therefore, it is relatively easy to retrieve all national borders from OpenStreetMap, you can try e.g. XAPI query for all admin_level=2 (warning: 200MB download!). answered 27 Sep '10, 15:03 Mormegil |
answered 22 Sep '10, 07:36 _jeremy 1
Unfortunately the gadm data is only free "for academic and other non-commercial use". I couldn't find a copyright notice for the diva-gis site. Really free and open data (public domain in this case) is available from, albeit with relative low resolution.
(26 Sep '10, 08:03)
Jochen Topf