In Ethiopia, we have lots of places that are writing "Cafe, Restaurant & Bar" on their business sign. How to tag them? (see also at State of Ethiopia 2010 on the "Challenges" slide) |
If usually a restaurant serve cofee and alcoholic drinks, an alternative is mark simply as restaurant and put a note tag with extra info. |
It's a tricky one I agree. I would tend to go with whichever category it seems to be most like, which probably means either cafe or restaurant depending on how formal it is and what sort of food it serves. 3
I know a place that is a restaurant at noon, cafe at the afternoon and nightclub at friday and saturday night. It does not seem to be most like any of them, but all of them at once, just with different opening_hours.
(14 Jul '10, 15:37)
@emka If there's a building outline, placing nodes inside it, one for each purpose and each tagged with appropriate opening_hours, would seem most appropriate for that tricky situation. Especially if they're in different wings or rooms of the building or run under different names...
(22 Jul '10, 13:12)
Andrew Chadwick
It is all the in the same room, same name. It might be rare, but it happens.
(22 Jul '10, 14:32)
I put the main activity on the amenity key, something like amenity=cafe + restaurant=yes + pub=yes (or amenity=restaurant + etc...). But it's sometimes hard since the main activity may vary during the day (and night). |
By convention I think this would be amenity:cafe;restaurant;pub -1: tagging it like this won't render anything in mapnik.
(27 Nov '10, 07:04)
Disproving of tagging just because it doesn't render in your favourite rendering engine is a big no no in OpenStreetMap. Have a look at "tagging for the renderer".
(27 Nov '10, 12:04)
-1: tagging it like this won't render anything in mapnik.... ...or osmrender or kosmos. It wont be found by OSM search algorithms (e.g. searching for cafes). It generally isn't processed well by any automated software, despite the fact that someone thought it would be good for this. The ';' separated values idea can be useful sometimes, but should be avoided for a top level tags. It's mostly an unnecessary over-complication invented by someone who spent too long thinking about data representation, and never tried to teach new people how to map.
(27 Nov '10, 13:19)
Harry Wood
So what really is the option here? Having two nodes side by side, one for the restaraunt and one for the pub/nightclub just feels reallllly wrong. And this is really not that uncommon at all.
At least for right now, it's feasible to have two POIs, but when we move on to having the building drawn, and have the amenity=??? tag on the way, how do we then have the second amenity tag?
Indicentally, this also occurs a lot in Germany. For example in tourist areas and places like forests where many people go to relax, you often have places that adverties "Cafe & Restaurant", because they function like a Cafe during the day, more like a restaurant in the evening.