I want to create user diaries through an application, but I cannot find the API related to user diaries from the wiki API documentation. Are they the '/notes' interfaces? If not, can anyone provide relevant API documentation? Thanks |
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I want to create user diaries through an application, but I cannot find the API related to user diaries from the wiki API documentation. Are they the '/notes' interfaces? If not, can anyone provide relevant API documentation? Thanks |
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question asked: 10 Nov '23, 06:52
question was seen: 3,701 times
last updated: 13 Nov '23, 01:38
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
What do you want to create user diary entries for? If you can explain a bit about what you're doing, people may be able to help.
We are an application that shares beautiful photos of the user's GPS location. Now we want to share pictures with openstreetmap, so our application needs to be pushed there through the user's diary.
Creating diary entries automatically sounds very much like spam. Something that does that may possibly get the user (and possibly the application) blocked from OSM. Why not post pictures elsewhere (with the user's consent, of course)?