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Dear Administrator,

Hi, my name is Winda, I am a marketing communication manager at Garrya Bianti Yogyakarta (a resort). We have been experiencing the hassle of detecting Garrya Bianti Yogyakarta's location whenever we want to check-in. We have added our location in OpenStreetMap but why can't our guest find our location when they want to check in on their social media? Can you please answer my question and help us to resolve this hassle?

I appreciate your feedback. Thanks, Winda

asked 10 Nov '23, 05:01

Winda%20Sukma's gravatar image

Winda Sukma
accept rate: 0%

While some social media uses OpenStreetMap as a basemap/background map, most of them use their own database of "check-in locations" that they place over the top of the background map without really interacting with it.

Once the location is in OpenStreetMap there is nothing further that can be done from our end, you will have to contact the social media platforms individually to ask why they don't have the location in their database.


A community member (not an admin).

permanent link

answered 10 Nov '23, 15:56

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

If you centre the map on the location you wish to share the lat long is in the url. If you wish to share a location 1. centre the map on it 2. click on share 3. clickon the link. 3. Cut the link and paste into your message.

alt text

permanent link

answered 11 Nov '23, 07:37

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 11 Nov '23, 07:40

I have tried to add a jpeg to illustrate my answer. It used to work but it does not work at the moment sorry.

(11 Nov '23, 07:51) andy mackey
(11 Nov '23, 07:54) andy mackey
(12 Nov '23, 13:40) andy mackey

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question asked: 10 Nov '23, 05:01

question was seen: 889 times

last updated: 12 Nov '23, 13:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum