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Hello together,

I need the OSM cycleway data for my master thesis because all local authorities are providing incomplete data. The problem now is that in the browser all cycleways are perfectly integrated but as soon as I download it as shape files for usage in ArcGIS there is a lot missing. I downloaded said data via GeoFabrik as well as via BBBike extracts and, as I already thought, got the same data. Then I extracted the data labeled as "cycleway" from roads.shp because that is the only place I could locate the cycleways.

I don't know if I'm just missing something or if there is another problem with the download of this data.

Hopefully someone can help me solving this. Even if it generally is not possible what I am trying to do, that would be a helpful information for me so I can proceed in other ways.

Thanks and have a nice day! :)

asked 18 Oct '23, 10:55

Yoku-san's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I would suggest that you:

  • look at a "cycleway" (in your terms) that is missing from your extract of OSM data.
  • look at how that object is tagged in OSM
  • include your data extract to include that data as well

Naturally, some bits of that process might need a bit of explanation, and I'm sure that people would be happy to do that. It might be easier to have that conversation over at rather than here though, since the "help" site doesn't really do conversations well. What would also help would be if you can provide an example of some missing data.

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answered 18 Oct '23, 11:40

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

To find an object ID in OSM, Go to , zoom right in and use the "query features" button on the right (the lowest in the list).

Then click on the thing that you are interested in from the list at the left. The browser URL will change to contain the object ID.

(18 Oct '23, 13:21) SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks for your answer!

Honestly I don't know how to look how objects are tagged in OSM. I provided a screenshot of a part of a missing road. What you see there is just the Basemap with the "cycleway" extract from the "road.shp" that I downloaded from OSM. Obviously there are major sections where data is just missing and also this straight line from east to west is just odd.alt text

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answered 18 Oct '23, 12:20

Yoku-san's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Oct '23, 12:28

To avoid anyone else having to solve this as a puzzle, that appears to be a picture of the centre of Bielefeld (on a really poor-quality map).

(18 Oct '23, 13:25) SomeoneElse ♦

Oh sorry! I didn't think it was necessary to know where this is and quality-wise it is just a screenshot with some imported data to check what I can work with

(18 Oct '23, 13:34) Yoku-san

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question asked: 18 Oct '23, 10:55

question was seen: 813 times

last updated: 18 Oct '23, 13:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum