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Hello, I've sent an email the te legal department but havent gotten a response back yet.

My plan was to get the latitude and longitude information from different points on the map. My original plan was to use Google Places API but they don't have the locations that I'm needing.

I know where the locations, I just haven't found any legal ways to get the latitude and longitude information.

I want to download the information from OSM and save it into my Database so that users of my app will be able to find the locations as they will be displayed on the map.

I don't plan on using the OSM maps as I've already set up the current map with another provider that I can't change just yet.

That is where I'm unsure of how to properly credit OSM. My thought was to just add it to the Terms of Service or Privacy Policy for the app, but within the app itself do I also need to credit OSM within the app, like on screen within the app?

The information I plan on getting from OSM will be Latitude, Longitude, City, State, Zip Code, and Adress in some cases if it's available. It will be for commercial use, Is there a separate License I will need for that?

From what I could tell I wouldn't need a License but I'm not positive.

asked 12 Oct '23, 13:24

Tecmek's gravatar image

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question asked: 12 Oct '23, 13:24

question was seen: 626 times

last updated: 12 Oct '23, 13:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum