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According to Zillow, 16 Starhaven Ave, Middletown, NY is actually 16-18 Starhaven Ave. How do I fix this?

asked 11 Oct '23, 12:06

ThirteenInchPenis's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If Zillow were willing to share their data with OSM you would be able to do it through any number of editors. As they don't appear in the Wiki it is highly unlikely that they do this.

Other maps normally have a copyright and can't be used without explicit permission or if they are released under a suitable licence (or they're really really old).

Zillow appears to use Google maps for their base map which also explicitly prohibits the use of their maps, imagery etc. for making maps.

If you want to go out there and personally survey the additional addresses then you can provide that info to OSM, but other than that we're very limited in what we can use.

permanent link

answered 11 Oct '23, 20:14

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

That leads into my next question, which is what proof do you want? Do I just say "yeah yeah, it's all good" or do you want a photograph of the mailboxes or something?

(11 Oct '23, 20:31) ThirteenInch...

When I collect addresses I record my GPS tracks which I upload to OSM.

If the edit has a changeset comment and/or the list of sources includes survey and the there is a gpx track from the same mapper that goes by that location and the time tag(s) on the gpx is before the edit I think a good argument can be made that a survey was actually performed.

(12 Oct '23, 00:39) n76

To my knowledge, nobody has to keep proofs as evidence. It's all about your own integrity in following the rules. There are cases where people just say "local knowledge" when I've a strong suspicion that the data was copied from Google, but you just can't accuse them of lying.

(13 Oct '23, 17:28) kucai

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question asked: 11 Oct '23, 12:06

question was seen: 880 times

last updated: 13 Oct '23, 17:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum