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Hi, I would like to enquire if it is possible to hide the 'Filter' box on uMap please. Thank you.

asked 06 Oct '23, 09:32

Katherine's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Oct '23, 11:57

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

To hide the "Filter" box in uMap, you may want to look for an option or setting within the uMap interface. Here's a general guide based on common practices in web applications:

Access Map Settings:

Log in to your uMap account. Open the map for which you want to hide the "Filter" box. Explore Map Options:

Look for a menu or settings icon on the uMap interface. This is often represented by three horizontal lines (hamburger icon) or a gear icon. Click on this icon to access the map settings or options. Search for Filter Options:

Within the map settings, search for options related to filters, legends, or control panels. Check if there is an option to hide or disable the "Filter" box. Save Changes:

If you find the option to hide the "Filter" box, make the necessary changes. Save or apply the changes to update your map. Refresh the Map:

Refresh your uMap page to see the changes take effect. Remember that these instructions are general, and the actual steps might vary based on the version of uMap you are using. I also did the same for my capcut mod apk website.

permanent link

answered 17 Dec '23, 23:54

Joe%20Root643's gravatar image

Joe Root643
accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Dec '23, 22:12

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question asked: 06 Oct '23, 09:32

question was seen: 1,197 times

last updated: 18 Dec '23, 22:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum