Hi, I'm a phd student at a public university. Am I allowed to include one graphic based on a OSM screenshot in a scientific publication - of course mentioning it as being based on OSM material? Usually all conference papers are released together in printed conference proceedings by a scientific publisher. So I doubt I could formally put my single entire article under any license since it undergoes some standard handling by the scientific publisher... |
I do not see any reason why you could not. Your article containing a picture with OSM based map is hardly a derived work so you can licence your article as you please, OSM licence is only relevant for the image. Thanks very much! If somone has a different opinion just post it here. Otherwise I'd just include the image with reference to OSM (and, in case someone will request the sources of the image itself I'll have no problems to provide it)
(04 Nov '11, 07:30)
Have a look at the OSM wiki about Reserach... there are already many examples how students have used OSM data, materials and pictures for their work. |