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I've installed Nominatim using this helm chart: using all the defaults with the full planet file. However, when I try to search for amenities (like pub in New York), it returns nothing.

Did I miss something during the setup?

My software version is 4.2.3-0, database version is 4.2.3-0.

asked 07 Sep '23, 09:39

MattCon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Sep '23, 09:46

Did your installation instructions cover the "special phrases" setup as described in If not, you should relay that as a bug report to the maker of the instructions.

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answered 07 Sep '23, 09:52

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Are the special phrases take from the file If yes, in that case I've disabled to get them and this is the reason why.

(07 Sep '23, 10:10) MattCon

No, "special phrases" in Nominatim parlance means that Nominatim even knows what to look for when you type "bar" or "airport" - without the special phrases it will only look for things that have "bar" in their name. -- The importance bit is something else, it helps prioritizing Berlin, Germany over Berlin, Nevada.

(07 Sep '23, 11:00) Frederik Ramm ♦

I'm confused. It looks like the command nominatim special-phrases --import-from-wiki uses wiki data to create special phrases. Isn't they wiki data coming from Wikimedia-importance.sql.gz? is there another wiki file that I missed?

(07 Sep '23, 11:29) MattCon

These two are totally different things. The "wiki" in --import-from-wiki is which is a list of special search terms maintained by the OSM community, whereas the "Wikimedia-importance" is derived from data maintained by the Wikimedia/Wikipedia community, outside of OSM.

(07 Sep '23, 11:34) Frederik Ramm ♦

The wikipedia-importance.sql.gz get generated by Like Frederik wrote it's unrelated to special phrases

(07 Sep '23, 12:51) mtmail

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question asked: 07 Sep '23, 09:39

question was seen: 782 times

last updated: 07 Sep '23, 12:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum