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Hey, what do i do if I've finished mapping my entire country (Belize)? I'm bored now. I don't know what to do.

asked 03 Sep '23, 04:47

CharliePlett's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Start mapping other countries or areas you're interested in using satellite imagery. There's a ton of mapping work out there. I travel quite a bit and wherever I am, I find mapping projects that need attention. Sometimes it's a national park, or a campground, or an area I've visited for bird photography.

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answered 03 Sep '23, 14:20

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Wow! I haven’t even finished my home city after a lot of years. For business districts especially, it seems when I have gotten it done a business closes or a new one opens. Or the city reconfigures an intersection. Or . . .

Anyway, congratulations on finishing a huge task! I concur with AlaskaDave: Find something that interests you and extend your mapping to new areas.

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answered 03 Sep '23, 16:25

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

The Mapillary imagery for Belize shows unmapped businesses etc. I think it's just the aerial stuff that's largely traced.

(03 Sep '23, 18:11) InsertUser

Maybe you can try precising one if these : house numbers adding cyclo routes adding tracks adding (based on strava heatmap) new bildings adding based on ortophoto wikidata and wikipedia tags adding waterways adding railways tracks (re-)numbering cry me a river - river precising run forest run - forests’ precising changes sets` review requests from new users railway lines (long distance, commuters) - school/ agricultular (ex. JRD) areals 3D buildings (churches, POI buildings…) roundabouts precising

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answered 17 Feb '24, 13:07

Tomas_J's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 03 Sep '23, 04:47

question was seen: 1,962 times

last updated: 17 Feb '24, 13:07

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