I mainly joined OSM to make changes to my local maps so that when using Autopilot in a TESLA the speed limits and roads are correct. Do edits here help with that any? |
If the Tesla navigation software uses OpenStreetMap data then the answer is yes definitely. I have read many different answers from MapBox, Google Maps, and indirectly using OSM. OSM seems to be the answer many give in the help forums to change speed limits and they say soon after the change is made by Tesla.
(23 Aug '23, 19:05)
At one point there were rumours that Tesla used OSM for parking lot routing, however outside of that it is pretty obvious that they -don't- use OSM.
(30 Aug '23, 09:27)
SimonPoole ♦
Does Tesla credit OpenStreetMap somewhere in their software?
A while back there were rumors that Tesla used OSM data for some things. However I do not recall anyone from Tesla confirming that nor anyone outside of Tesla proving it.
I have read many different answers from MapBox, Google Maps, and indirectly using OSM. OSM seems to be the answer many give in the help forums to change speed limits and they say soon after the change is made by Tesla.