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Geotab is a telematics software that uses OpenStreetMap. We noticed that recently a lot of side roads in the state of Missouri have had their speed limit changed to 25 mph when they should be 55mph. This is causing a number of problems for the system that tracks if drivers are speeding or not.

Does anyone know of a recent update in the last week or so would have caused this?

asked 18 Aug '23, 18:52

StevenBlueArrow's gravatar image

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Can you link to an OSM object that was changed?

(18 Aug '23, 19:07) SomeoneElse ♦

I'm not sure how to link OSM objects but here is one of the streets in question. alt text

It is W Belle Center Rd in Joplin, Missouri. Was changed to 25mph and should be 55.

(18 Aug '23, 19:37) StevenBlueArrow

Looks like my image didn't come through. The section of road would be on W Belle Center Rd between N Central City Rd and N Schifferdecker Ave.

(18 Aug '23, 19:39) StevenBlueArrow was last changed 2 years ago. If you click on that link, you can see the person who last edited it and even contact them.

(18 Aug '23, 19:43) SomeoneElse ♦

Hmm, that's interesting. You can easily see several 55mph signs on Google Street view and this road definitely was set to 55 in our system until recently.

(18 Aug '23, 19:52) StevenBlueArrow

We can't use Google Street View as a source for licensing reasons (but alternatives exist).

With regard to the "recent change", are you sure the the speed limit that you are seeing is sourced directly from OSM?

(18 Aug '23, 19:59) SomeoneElse ♦

It looks like they also get data from HERE WeGo. This must be where the problem is. Also, how do I select a road segment and link it like you did above?

(21 Aug '23, 17:29) StevenBlueArrow

Also, how do I select a road segment and link it like you did above?

Click on "query features" (the arrow and the question mark) over at the right of

(21 Aug '23, 18:33) SomeoneElse ♦
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question asked: 18 Aug '23, 18:52

question was seen: 563 times

last updated: 21 Aug '23, 18:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum