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What should I do to see in google maps the changes I have made in Openstreetmaps?

asked 17 Aug '23, 09:33

MartinSchmidt2's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Google Maps and Openstreetmap are separate maps. Google is money making company. Openstreetmap is generated,mapped and maintained by volunteers for free. Openstreetmap does need some money to pay for storage and some admin. You can I believe add stuff to Googlemaps but adding it to openstreetmap does not add it to Google Maps although it may get seen on OSM and then get mapped onto Google. NOTE We must not copy anything from Google. It is against their terms and our rules.

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answered 17 Aug '23, 09:58

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 17 Aug '23, 12:27

If you want to update Google Maps (which I occasionally do) you have to submit a change request, which they may or may not action.

You can't update the mapping (as in adding in paths and woods and buildings) like you do in OSM but you can change the labels or add missing ones. I've done this where a major landmark name was missing or misspelt for example.

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answered 19 Aug '23, 11:30

Mikey%20Co's gravatar image

Mikey Co
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 17 Aug '23, 09:33

question was seen: 3,111 times

last updated: 19 Aug '23, 11:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum