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While tracing and populating buildings on the island of Oahu (which is entirely within the City and County of Honolulu) I come upon some buildings (at the moment all churches) which aren't residential and certain dead-end streets which have no name. For the buildings I can thankfully decipher the name from Streetside and search up their website but I did use both the Honolulu Open Geospatial Data and their referenced TMK/street addresses to double check on the Department of Planning and Permitting data to corroborate the name/owner of the building though they have other data such as building ages and such which I have not used. For street names, the "Street Names" dataset itself.

I have looked at and reread the policies multiple times along with the OSM policies but rather ask before continuing to use them but would their given policies be acceptable for use. In a way, this is a two-part question given the Open Data seems to have individual licenses for each dataset.

Open Data Site and Data referenced: Honolulu Open Geospatial Data, Street Names, Tax Parcels to Reference in DPP site

And for corroboration of what the organization name owning an area, I use the DPP website with the Tax Parcel ID's to search them up. Though there is a use policy, I am not certain if what is searched up would be considered public record and/or still under the policy and also the data from the open data side might fall under the same use policy as well so making me even more uncertain. Within the use policy, item 4 and 7 is of greatest relevance and point 7 is of greatest concern.

DPP Search Page

Use Policy Page

If one or the other or both aren't acceptable, I will revert the change and only apply what can be discerned from acceptable sources which thankfully is I think only a few things. Definitely better to be sure than continuing in error. Thanks!

asked 16 Aug '23, 19:44

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edited 16 Aug '23, 19:46

Are the sources you used on the list referenced here?

(17 Aug '23, 13:35) InsertUser

I think I remember looking at that wiki page as well. Although the Honolulu Open Geospatial Data site isn't listed, double checking on the Hawaii geoportal (which maybe I should've done first), it seems most if not all of the data on county-side is replicated/referenced on the state-side and thankfully resolves the first part of the question. The second part of my question related to the DPP information is still uncertain, but given that the data from Honolulu is also replicated, it is possible to work around it since the ownership data is also available within a separate table which just requires extra work to join them together. Thanks for the reply.

(17 Aug '23, 15:49) Falkons

Given it has been a while, just want to check for the second part of the question. Although the first part of the question was answered, are the building permit info and things retrieved from the DPP site within reasonable use policy? It still does provide some extra context on the name of a place if there are no signs or any other signifier viewable in-person what it might be called and the name of the owner doesn't always equal the name of the place. Or is it best to just avoid it?

(24 Aug '23, 01:39) Falkons

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question asked: 16 Aug '23, 19:44

question was seen: 609 times

last updated: 24 Aug '23, 01:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum