Hi, I have a list of locations and their data(which includes latitude and longitude coordinates).So i want to mark those locations on a map and render this map in a web application .So this map should be rendered using some opensource like OpenStreetMaps. Can anyone help me in setting this up or provide me some steps how can we setup this using this API I am looking for some .Net code,however I think using javascript we can achieve this i guess Thanking you in anticipation |
I think this is what you want: http://www.netzwolf.info/kartografie/openlayers/csv_angepasst2 Using a csv-file with geographic coordinates, and some javascript. Hi Ajossen, Thanks a lot for your reply,I am able to render the maps in the other way,However when I select the Pinpoint I want some description to be displayed,To do that I am using Openlayers.Layer.Text method, http://dev.openlayers.org/releases/OpenLayers-2.6/doc/apidocs/files/OpenLayers/Layer/Text-js.html However when I am using that I am getting an error message as Object Expected Could you please check it once?Ijust need a script to display when click on the Pinpoint.
(02 Nov '11, 13:08)
I am looking similar to that,Can you please provide me javascript to display text when user clicks on that pinpoints.
I think http://www.netzwolf.info/kartografie/openlayers/popupmarker.js does exactly what you want. But I am not the author of it ;-)